Elizabeth Gilbert’s Creativity Workshop
Jumpstart your creative journey with these everyday practices
Elizabeth Gilbert’s Creativity Workshop
Learn How To
Identify your passions and ways to get started pursuing creative projects
Structure your creative life with a framework for breaking down your time
Prioritize your own creative fulfillment so that you can better serve others
Kickstart creative projects that have stalled

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Course Syllabus
Uncover Your Creative Life
Video: Introduction to the Course from Elizabeth Gilbert
Video: What is Creative Living?
Video: How to Live a Curiosity-Driven Life
Video: How to Find Your Creativity
Resource: Creativity Notebook 1: Curiosity Cat Scan
Structure Your Life for Creative Living
Video: Letter to Liz from a Lost Artist
Video: Liz Responds: Distinguishing Between Hobbies, Jobs, Careers & Vocations
Resource: Creativity Notebook 2: Hobbies, Jobs, Careers, and Vocations Grid
Unlock Your Authenticity
Video: Letter to Liz from a Young Idealist
Video: Liz Responds: How to Find Your Purpose
Resource: Creativity Notebook 3: Purpose Map
Find Your Source of Luminosity
Video: Letter to Liz from a Young Idealist
Video: Liz Responds: How to Find Your Purpose
Resource: Creativity Notebook 3: Purpose Map
Summon the Courage to Start
Video: Why Courage is Better than Fearlessness
Video: Why Perfectionism is the Enemy
Resource: Creativity Notebook 5: Creativity Permission Slip
"The course really helps people navigate career advice. Elizabeth Gilbert’s course was a light bulb moment for our team."
Course Description
In this course, Elizabeth Gilbert will show you why we should strive to be authentic doers who follow our curiosity. She’ll bring key lessons from her bestselling book, Big Magic, and offer coaching and insights that expand beyond the chapters. For those who struggle to get started, Elizabeth will respond directly to three common dilemmas change-makers face. You will walk away equipped with the practical tools and inspiration to help push your own creative projects into the next gear.
the Instructor

Elizabeth Gilbert
Internationally bestselling author of *Eat, Pray, Love*, named among 1 most influential people in the world by Time magazine, and author of *Big Magic: Creative Living beyond Fear*.
the Instructor

Elizabeth Gilbert
Internationally bestselling author of *Eat, Pray, Love*, named among 1 most influential people in the world by Time magazine, and author of *Big Magic: Creative Living beyond Fear*.
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