Learn How To

Map your customer’s behavior journey

Apply behavior change principles to your social enterprise

Price your product based on value and pricing principles

Design experiments to test these principles in action

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Course Syllabus

Introduction to Behavior Change for Entrepreneurs

Video: Introduction to Behavior Change from Dan Ariely

Activity: Introduce Yourself to the Course Community

Video: What All Great Talks Have in Common

Resource: Listening Guide for Section 1

Video: Why Social Science Can Unlock New Insights for Entrepreneurs

Video: What the Typical Approach to Behavior Change Gets Wrong

Video: Where Entrepreneurs Should Start

Video: Why Bumps in the Road Matter

Video: Design the Path of Least Resistance

Quiz: Apply Your Knowledge of Behavior Change

Resource: Behavior Change Design Guide 1

Behavior Change Principles to Trigger Product Use

Resource: Listening Guide for Section 2

Video: Choice Architecture and Choice Overload

Video: Default Bias and Organ Donation

Video: Defaults in the Grocery Store

Video: Evoking Cues and Loss Aversion

Video: TV Sales, Retirement Funds, and Loss Aversion

Video: Social Desirability and Social Proof

Video: Concreteness

Video: Incentives

Video: Don’t Mix Market and Social Norms

Video: The Case of the Daycare Center

Video: Complete and Incomplete Contracts

Quiz: Identify the Behavior Change Principle

Resource: Behavior Change Design Guide 2

Design a Product Customers Will Value and Pay For

Resource: Listening Guide for Section 3

Video: Value Perception

Video: Relativity

Video: Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts

Video: The Pain of Paying

Video: The Peril of Pay-As-You-Go

Resource: Behavior Change Design Guide 3

How to Design Behavior Change Experiments

Video: Experimental Design for Entrepreneurs

Video: Things All Experiments Need

Video: The Ethics of Experiments

Video: Why Experiments Can Change the World

Video: A Coin Experiment in Kenya

Resource: Behavior Change Design Guide 4

Leverage real-world expertise

Apply breakthrough insights from today’s leading thinkers to your social enterprise.

Adopt best practices

Learn tried and true methods to amplify your impact from the best in the business.

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"I strongly recommend this course to anyone who is in the business of seeking result (high achievers, intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs) - this will help you make better decisions.”


Course Description

In this course, professor and bestselling author Dan Ariely will help you apply insights from behavioral economics and psychology in order to understand how people make decisions. He’ll walk you through step-by-step exercises that will allow you to identify the actions your customers need to perform and uncover opportunities for greater effectiveness.
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the Instructor

Dan Ariely
Professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University and bestselling author of Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, The Honest Truth About Dishonesty and Payoff.

the Instructor

Dan Ariely
Professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University and bestselling author of Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, The Honest Truth About Dishonesty and Payoff.

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