Learn How To

Recruit a dedicated and values-aligned team with the skills to help you reach your goals

Add structure to your hiring process with simple templates for job descriptions

Interview in a way that secures the right candidates for your organization

Focus on skills, qualifications, and values

Integrate the successes and learn from the failures of other early-stage social entrepreneurs

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Course Syllabus

Introduction to the Course

Reading: Welcome to the Course

Resource: Download the Workbook

Define Your Organizational Values

Reading: Why Organizational Values Matter

Video: Organizational Values at Saral Designs

Video: Organizational Values at EthioChicken

Exercise: Define Your Organizational Values

Discussion: Share Your Organizational Values on the Discussion Board

Write a Job Description

Reading: The Elements of a Job Description

Reading: Deeper Dive into Accountabilities and Qualifications

Reading: Examples of Job Descriptions

Exercise: Write a Job Description

Search for Candidates

Reading: How a Startup Nonprofit Searched for Candidates

Exercise: Create an Outreach Plan

Discussion: Share Your Outreach Plan on the Discussion Board

Evaluate Candidates

Reading: Introduction to Evaluating Candidates

Exercise: Define Your Evaluation Criteria

Exercise: Outline Your Evaluation Process

Video: Saral Designs Explains How to Screen for Values in Interviews

Exercise: Write Interview Questions

Exercise: Evaluate Candidates with Relevant Assignments

Exercise: Create a Scorecard

Discussion: Share Your Interview Questions and Assignments on the Discussion Board

Moral Choice Point

Exercise: Navigate a Challenging Hiring Decision by Considering Character and Competence

Discussion: Share Your Thoughts on the Discussion Board

Make the Offer

Reading: Overview of the Hiring Process

Exercise: Showcase Your Strengths

Exercise: Review a Sample Hiring Letter

Change Your View Of The World

Draw inspiration from thought-provoking readings, videos, and reflections.

Enjoy Lifetime Access

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Receive a Certificate of Recognition

Attain a "Statement of Accomplishment" recognizing your successful completion of a course.

Gain New Skills

Increase your impact by putting new skills into practice.

"Finding a candidate is almost always urgent, so it would be easy to compromise on our values-based approach. But we don’t.”

Suhani Mohan,

Co-founder and CEO of Saral Designs

Course Description

For any social enterprise, the people you hire to build your organization are as critical to your success as the money you raise. Faced with minimal time and resources, you need to be strategic and efficient to find candidates with the right combination of values and skills to get the job done.

In this course, you'll learn how to hire a dedicated and values-aligned team to help reach your goals. Along the way, you’ll gain simple templates for job descriptions and interviews and learn from the successes and failures of other early-stage, resource-strapped social entrepreneurs. With these tools, you’ll have the structure you need to attract and retain the best team members to execute on your vision and reach more customers.

Note: This course is comprised of 1.5 hours of videos/readings and 3 hours of reflections/application.

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Suhani Mohan

Co-founder and CEO,
Saral Designs

David Ellis

Co-founder and CEO,

Mina Shahid

Co-founder and CEO,


Suhani Mohan

Co-founder and CEO,
Saral Designs

David Ellis

Co-founder and CEO,

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